ISSN 1552-5112: Journal of postmodern cultural sound, text and image
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Fall/Winter 2023/2024

Richard Long: Touching Stones Through Stones, Touching Landscapes Through Stones...(e.yamaguchi)

A Vancouver Symphony in Minor Details...(j.therrien)

Spring/Summer 2023

Pop Goes Hyperreal!...(a.mecacci)

Cormac McCarthy: When the Man Comes Around | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 15 November 2023

Fall/Winter 2022/2023

Writers and Writers of Writers: Creativity and Authorship in the First AI Novel...(p.murphy)

Nietzsche as Critic and Captive of Enlightenment...(

Sing for Me Now...(n.ruiz)

Cormac McCarthy: When the Man Comes Around | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 15 November 2023

Summer 2022

Invisible Animals...(d.szoke)

Blatant disloyalties of cinema adaptations: some diabolically clumsy cases in Robert Louis Stevenson's works...(j.l.m.orozco)

The Lighthouse...(n.ruiz)

Jacques Derrida: L'écriture et la différence – Writing and Difference | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 21 February 2023

Spring 2022

The Four Garments of Aletheia: Reality Management and the Challenge of Truth....(j.vallée)l

A Description of Chaos et al....(m.a.block)

Poststructuralism and Transcendental Philosophy: Derrida's Différance...(j.cartlidge)

When the Election Comes...(n.ruiz)

Jean Baudrillard: Le simulacre est vrai – The simulacrum is true | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 27 July 2022

Winter 2021/2022

Martha Rosler's Screened Surveillance...(j.m.kruglinski)

Nietzsche and Orthodox Transhumanism...(n.carney)

Anne Carson: "Stillness"...(a.carson)

The Trouble with Being Born...(n.ruiz)

Jean Baudrillard: Le simulacre est vrai – The simulacrum is true | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 27 July 2022

Fall 2021

Inoculation, Climate Change and a Post-Factual Hyperreal World?...(k.moser)

Jean Baudrillard and Boris Groys: Die Illusion des Endes (The Illusion of the End)...(j.baudrillard and b.groys)

The Ink of Melancholy...(n.ruiz)

Jean Baudrillard: Le simulacre est vrai – The simulacrum is true | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 27 July 2022

Summer 2021

« Souveraineté de la grčve », Jean Baudrillard et le mouvement social de 1995...(p.barranque)

Come-Hither for a Deleuzian Psychology?...(a.stevenson)

The Metaphysics of COVID-19...(n.ruiz)

Sympathy for the Anguish of Simulacra...(n.ruiz)

Jean Baudrillard: Le simulacre est vrai – The simulacrum is true | Kritikos – Intertheory Press | Online International Conference | 27 July 2022

Spring 2021

From Cyclops to Cyborg: Nietzsche, Posthumanism and 'Embodied Perspectivism'...(p.mills)

The Mirror of Humanism; or, Towards a Baudrillardian Posthuman Theory...(d.guignion)

Blame It on the Moon, or UFO/UAPs and the Sacred Cow of Extraterrestrial Life...(n.ruiz)

Welcome to Florida (Everything, Does Not Happen in California)...(n.ruiz)

Fall/Winter 2020/2021

I'm Evolving into a Box, or The Paradoxical Condition in AI...(w.y.chen)

Artistic Intelligence...(

Trash Human...(n.ruiz)

Summer 2020

Anti-Pro-Natalism, Agnosticism and the Value of Life...(k.kojima)

The Submerged Possibilities of Natural Supernaturalism...(a.bilgrami)

American Democrathripsis, or Will You Love Her When She's Old?...(n.ruiz)



Spring 2020

Vibrations: Music and Ontology...(h.maassen)

What Makes Us Human: Anxiety...(h.phillipson)

The Future's Ancient Eyes...(n.ruiz)

Fall/Winter 2019/2020

Kairos - Stopping Time with Ambient Dub...(r.till)

Hegel on Lyric Poetry: Between Classical and Romantic...(w.desmond)

Theory-Fictions, or the Last Horizon of Doubt...(n.ruiz)

Happy Day...(n.ruiz)

Summer 2019

Spacetime Is As Spacetime Does...(c.wüthrich)

Fundamentality and Emergence in Quantum Gravity...(k.crowther)

Time and Implication...(a.haas)

Spring 2019

Networks, Processes and Eregnisse (Events): A Metaphysics and Ontology for the Age of Dynamic Entanglement...(t.rock)

God's Casino III...(j.josephson-storm and n.ruiz)

Jean Baudrillard on Theodor Adorno...(g.coulter)

Winter 2018/2019

Lines, Sounds and Colors of Flight: Deleuze, Guattari and 'kalamezhuthu pattu'...(c.k.vinodan)

Beyond the Death of Man: Foucault, Derrida and Philosophical Anthropology...(m.lewis)

Fall 2018

The Poststructuralist Broom of Wallace's System: A Conversation Between Wittgenstein and Derrida...(v.w.cisney)

Jean Baudrillard on Guy Debord...(g.coulter)

The Passing...(n.ruiz)

Summer 2018

Reinventing the Real: A Conversation with Marine Dupuis Baudrillard...(m.d.baudrillard, t.fagioli, e.conciliis, n.ruiz)

Risks for Angels: Doubts about Political Resistance in Montaigne and Hume...(g.b.mower)

Little Ever Lasts...(n.ruiz)

Spring 2018

Becoming One Who Is: Self-Consciousness, Stance and Literary art in Hegel, Lukacs and Adorno...(r.eldridge)

A Democracy Deficit Plagues the U.S. and the European Union...(d.v.johnson)


Winter 2017/2018

Photographers Need Not Apply: Photography Doesn't Need You Anymore...(s.smith)

Carol Gilligan's Kyra: Myth, Psychotherapy and Relationship...(m.lederman)

A World Nailed to Sticks that Make a Cross...(n.ruiz)

Fall 2017

Derrida's Politics to Come...(i.nursoo)

God's Casino II...(n.ruiz & k.c.smith)

Jean Baudrillard on Jacques Derrida...(g.coulter)

The Temporal Judges the Eternal...(n.ruiz)

Summer 2017

Neuroscience and the Conditions of Critique...( vos)

Postmodern Dislocation in "Lost in Translation"...(p.murphy)

Little Ever Lasts...(n.ruiz)

Tarzan on Guard Around Black Men?...(m.a.istvan)

Spring 2017

The Body and the Unity of the Homeric Man...(l.torrente)

Jean Baudrillard on Homer and Achilles...(g.coulter)

Winter 2016/2017

The Word Shines Forth: Barthes and Prose/Poetry...(a.piette)

It Will Arise from the Ashes: Exploring the Aesthetics of Postmodern Ruin Photography in Detroit...(k.buckley)

God's Casino, or Faith in Physics at the Chelsea Hotel...(r.castle and n.ruiz)

Notes Towards a Distinction: On Postmodernism and Poststructuralism...(@TheLitCritGuy)

Where the Difficulty Lies (in remembrance of Gerry Coulter and Jean Baudrillard)...(n.ruiz)

June-October 2016

From Achilles to Zarathustra: Jean Baudrillard on Theorists, Artists, Intellectuals and Others...(g.coulter)

Francis Bacon's Stool...(g.nelson)

Postmodern Autism, or the Call of the Orangutan: Meet 13q12...(n.ruiz)



January-May 2016

David Bowie and the Cool of Kitsch...(t-botz-bornstein)

Bataille and Contagion, or Towards a Space of Sound and Art...(m.oki)

May-December 2015

Art is Messianicity, or Radical Illustration in the Face of God: Romeo Castellucci and Antonello da Messina...(a.haverkamp)

The Musilian Paradigm: Foucault as the Man Without Qualities...(t.falkowski)
The Violence of Rhetoric and David Foster Wallace's Hideous Men...(j.mcadams)

January-April 2015

Disenchanted Naturalism...(a.rosenberg)

Nazism and Young Toerless...(a.h.lesser)

October-December 2014

The Barely Functioning Author in Percival Everett's 'Erasure'...(d.buchanan)

April-September 2014

Apocalypse Not, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Machine...(d.gunkel and b.cripe)

H.L.A. Hart on International Law...(a.h.lesser)


January-March 2014

Kant or Machiavelli?...(a.h.lesser)


July-December 2013

An Explanatory Note: On Literary Singularity...(r.muhlstock)

Habent Sua Fata Libelli: On Literary Singularity...(r.muhlstock)

April-May-June 2013

Anima Minima: Lyotard's Monstrous Infancy...(k.locke)

Social Work Meets Cultural Studies: Art, Advocacy and Methods in Social Justice...(h.m.sloane)


American Vampires and the Ongoing Ambiguity of Death...(m.e.bell)



Joycean Eucharistics: Something to Chew On...(r.sharkey)

La Conchita (orig. pub., IJBS: 2007)...(n.ruiz)



The Anti-Feminist Character of Bella Swan, or Why the Twilight Saga is Regressive...(r.eddo-lodge)



Philosophy, Theology and the Narrative of Hope...(g.dargan)

Barbie and the Power of Negative Thinking: Of Barbies, Eve-Barbies and I-Barbies...(t.botz-bornstein)

Beyond the Landscape, or Agamben and the Impotentiality of Art...(m.jecu and j.pinto)

Of Religion and Politics: Refusing the Space-Between...(g.finn)



Breaking the Spiral of Fear...(j.block)

The Raft of the Medusa, The Fatal Raft and the Art of Critique...(m.slavkin)



American Psycho, Cosmopolis and the Coiffure?...(w.e.arnold)

Wall Street...(n.ruiz)



Whose Empire? Which Multitude?...(u.muehe)



Jean-Paul Sartre and the Possibility of Authentic Love...(m.h. berenpas)



Race and Racism After Anti-Racism...(b.pitcher)



A Faustian Bargain, or An Open Letter to the President of SUNY Albany...(g.petsko)

The Catastrophe of the Digital and the Fate of Photography...(g.coulter)

And so Lyotard thought: "Specifically, I went too far in identifying knowledge with narrative."...(n.ruiz)



Yeats, U2 and Imaginative Experience...(j.bisz)



The Aims of Education...(m.wark)

Collecting Modernity...(m.bullock)



What Is a Philosopher?...(n.ruiz)



Towards a Philosophical Account of Explanation in Behavioral Genetics...(e.kraemer)



The Nothing that Is: Epistemologies of Creative Writing...(c.elias)



Modernist Asylum Art and the Contemporary Consideration of Art...(g.coulter)



Safety Last, Nonsense First...(n.ruiz)



Rethinking Critical Theory...(s.petrucciani)



She is Late...(n.ruiz)



The Permeable Border Between Us and Them: Cinema, 9/11 and Radical Politics...(p.stasi)



Fetal Strategies: Baudrillard's Child and the Discourse of the Masses...(p.mahoney)






Meaninglessness in the Desert of the Real...(r.molin)



A Way of Proceeding: Joseph Beuys, the Epistemological Break and Radical Thought Today...(g.coulter)


The Impossible Thought of Lingchi in Georges Bataille's The Tears of Eros...(d.jorgensen)



The Lost Gospel: Reflections on Nirenberg's 'The Politics of Love and its Enemies'...(r.grego, m.flota, j.newell, n.ruiz)



Queering Space for New Subjects...(c.landström)



The Music of Kings and Bio Queens...(j.taylor)



Historicizing Law and the Text...(h.a.veeser)



One Among Several – The Traditional Gaze Seduced:
Toward A More Complex Understanding of Eros in Modernism



Sang Real: 1307-2007...(r.sharkey)



Lyotard, Habermas and the Virtue of the Universal...(h.eid)



The Author Never Dies: Roland Barthes and the Postcolonial Project...(s.olaoluwa)



Hans Haacke, or the Museum as Degenerate Utopia...(t.english)



Irina Kruk



Žižek! A conversation with Paul A. Taylor (editor of The International Journal of Žižek Studies)...(p.a.taylor and n.ruiz)

Europe, Open for Business: Victoria de Grazia’s Irresistible Empire: America’s Advance through Twentieth-Century Europe...(p.stasi)



Anthony Caro's Déjeuner Sur L'Herbe II: Inside and Outside the Frame of Picturality...(c.albu)



Destinies of the Critical...(d.v.rao)



Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin images



To the Dogs--Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism...(m.rossini)

Sarawut Chutiwongpeti images

Life after progress (royksopp--only this moment mix)...(n.ruiz)



Will Biomedicine Transform Society?...(n.rose)

An Era of Zoe and Bios? A conversation with Eugene Thacker...(e.thacker and n.ruiz)



Spider-Man, Superman--What's the difference?...(a.kozlovic)

Gates' Buffet, or Fail-Safe Philanthropy...(n.ruiz)



When the Other Comes Too Close: Derrida and the Threat of Affinity...(s.weller)



Literature and the Postmodern: A Conversation with Brian McHale...(a.neagu and b.mchale)



Virtual Blood, Real Media...(s.magala)



Baudrillard's Nuclear Museum and the End of Culture...(m.t.killiam)

Sans la culture...(n.ruiz),realmedia



Looking to the Left: Politics in the Art of Barbara Kruger and Jenny Holzer...(j.drozdek)

Scarring the New Flesh: Time Passing in the Simulacrum of Videodrome...(j.sperb)

"My" vs. "Architect"-- On My Architect: A Son's Journey...(t.botz-bornstein)



The Humanistic Intellectual: Eleven Theses...(r.rorty)

Interrogating Intermission ...(p.murphy)

All Capital's Children: Thanking



What is Code? A conversation with Deleuze, Guattari and Code...(d.berry and j.pawlik)

When West was North: Spirits of Frontier Experience, or Can the MacGuffin Speak?...(j.bruce-novoa)

Portents of the Real: The Heart's Filthy Lesson...(n.ruiz)



Examining Reflexivity: An interview with Barry Sandywell...(b.sandywell and

Grenze: a video interpretation of Marx's Capital...(p.fontana, aelters and p.fave) windowsmedia



The A-life Undeadening of Painting via the Digital...(j.nechvatal)

Le Dieu Recombinant...(n.ruiz) realmedia



An interview with Gerry Coulterl

Vanguard Assemblages: New Media and the Enthymeme...(p.mchenry)



Catherine Arnaud,image/textges/audio

The Postmodern Prince ...(f.raven)



Sovereignty and the State of Emergency...(a.galloway and e.thacker)

Landscape Painting of the Information Age or Romanticism in Media Art...(a.medosch)

The Political Life of Giorgio Agamben...(c.mcquillan)




An interview with Jason Read...(n.ruiz)

Conceptions of Class, the State and the Supernatural in the Lands of Nod, Denmark and North America...(j.taylor)

Notes towards an anthropology of money...(k.hart)


When Did France Become A Colony?...(r.roussetzki)

The Uses and Abuses of the Cultural Heritage: Progress, Utopia and Nostalgia in Jameson's A Singular Modernity ...(p.stasi)

Whitney Wolf iimagesmages



An Interview with McKenzie Wark...(n.ruiz)

Psychoanalysis and Film Theory Part 2: Reflections and Refutations...(p.murphy)

The Daily Show: The Face of American Media in 2005...(s.gennaro)

Global Capital: The Currency of the Code...(n.ruiz)



Kritikos Channel: An Interview with Ethan J.Leib...(n.ruiz) realmedia

Securing Security...(m.wark)

Pancho Villa: Post-Colonial Colonialism or, the Return of the Americano...(j.bruce-novoa)

Saints Without Faces...(c.sandis) imagesmages

La monnaie vivante...(n.ruiz) rrealmediaealmedia



Overcoming the Logos – Overcoming Lego:
From Imagined Space to the Spatial Imagination of the Bionicle World

The Posthuman Manifesto...(r.pepperell)

Psychoanalysis and Film Theory Part 1:
‘A New Kind of Mirror'

A Coloring–book Theory of Modern War
...(m.h. goldhaber)



Internal Sunshine: Illuminating Being-Memory in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...(j.sperb)

L'Ecran de texte...(a.highland) mages

A-Life...(n.ruiz) ealmedia



Postmodernism, Christianity and the Hollywood Hermeneutic...(a.kozlovic)

Schiller's On the Aesthetic Education of Man: The Origins of the Postmodern Sublime in the Ethical Evaluation of the Aesthetic...(t.trifonova)



Technosubjects On Film--Taking Feminist Technology Studies to the Movies...(c.landström)

The Generative Principle of Narrative (Violence) Under Capital...(a.sondheim)

Globalizing Mediated Bodies: Another Line of Flight...(n.ruiz)


This audio is a prologue and reprise to the essay entitled "Globalizing Mediated Bodies: Nucleic Acid and Recombinative Culture," both published on: Rhizomes (Issue 9, Fall 2004)

The Sovereignty of the Code--part II...(n.ruiz)


Ecuador...(j.f.keane) flash mediafash



Le guignon...(,jr.) realmediarealmedia

The Rain in France...(,jr.)



The Society of (Un)enjoyment...(p.murphy)

Gathering Scattered Notes...(k.wiggins)



The Metaphysics of Capital...(n.ruiz)

Epidexiphilia, or, I'll Show You Mine (d.j.tremblay)



Thicker Than Water...(n.ruiz) image

Baudrillard's Consumer...(n.ruiz) realmedia

This video is the media referenced in the article "The Art of  Media Disobedience in the 21st Century," published in M/C/ Reviews feature issue: Objection or Obstruction: The Culture of Protest in the 21st Century (Nov. 2004) on Media/

PJ's Challenge...(n.ruiz)

Note: media files are in the Real Media, Windows Media and Macromedia Flash format.

The players are free and can be downloaded here-


Macromedia Flash player

Windows Media player